Oas36ty Free Bulk Email Services | Mass Email Service Provider Is Right for You

Posted On March 4, 2024

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Oas36ty is the best bulk email software to manage mailing lists and set up email marketing campaigns in few steps. Oas36ty combines into one product the practicality of a mass email software with the flexibility of a bulk email web service. On the one hand you create newsletters and manage lists directly on your desktop: on the other you get a cloud email tracking service to handle reporting and improve your email campaigns.

Our brand new release Oas36ty, full of amazing features, is available both as a free email sender software download and a professional one with no subscription needed, just a single payment for a lifetime license. Plus, we are proud to offer a 15 days money back guarantee.


Email marketing made easy

A good mass email campaign doesn’t need expensive web-based solutions: it can be handled effectively on your desktop or laptop pc, keeping your own email lists private and managing every aspect of the strategy on our mass email software. It’s easier, safer, and cost effective.
Email marketing is based on a trusted relationship with your customers: Oas36ty bulk mailer will help you build it, keep it and improve it.


Create effective emails

With our mass mailing software you will be able to compose beautiful emails that convert — that create real profit. How? Using our free email templates, sorted by categories to help you choose the right one. Creating a layout with Oas36ty’s embedded email editor or an external HTML editor. Purchasing a tailor made template from our professional web designers and email marketing experts.


Build your permission-based list

The only effective (and legal) way to run a mass email campaign is to send emails only to people who allowed you to: that is, to build an opt-in permission-based list of addresses. Our bulk mail software makes it amazingly easy. You can create customizable web forms for your site to let your users subscribe in a few clicks; then record all collected data in one or more lists, to which you can send separate messages.


Analyze the results of your mailings

An effective email marketing requires a thorough data analysis. Our mass emailing software and Google Analytics will let you know if, after reading your emails, customers have purchased your products, subscribed to your website or made any other actions.


Built for best email marketing results

ISPs like Gmail and Outlook simply aren’t designed for mass email sends. When sending bulk email campaigns or large volumes of transactional emails, you need a dedicated email marketing software like Oas36ty. As a bulk email sender, we take care of all your email sending needs and offer the best possible deliverability to land your emails in the inbox.


Email deliverability you can count on

Oas36ty’s bulk email service is built on dedicated deliverability infrastructure and run by a team of deliverability 

experts. We help you avoid the spam folder and deliver to the inbox every time.

  • Rigorous email validation process to keep spammers out
  • Closely monitored sender reputations on shared IPs
  • Fast email delivery (99.98% of emails deliver in under 20 seconds)


Easy-to-use email builder

Create responsive bulk email marketing campaigns that look great on all screen sizes. Go fast with our drag-and-drop email builder or code from scratch with the HTML editor.

  • Choose from 40+ customizable email templates and insert email design elements (text, buttons, images) using drag-and-drop
  • All Oas36ty email templates are responsive across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices
  • Edit the content, change the font, and add images with ease
  • Preview your design on different devices and email clients


Detailed email analytics in real time

Understand what works well for your audience and pinpoint areas of improvement thanks to advanced reporting features.

  • Real-time delivery rates and performance email analytics (deliverability rates, open rate, clicks, bounces)
  • Clear, easy-to-digest data for quick analysis
  • Custom webhooks for real-time updates however you want to receive them


A bulk email service to grow your email list

The key to bulk email campaign success is a list of engaged subscribers. Use our free bulk email service to gather opt-in subscribers and grow a loyal audience. Our advanced features are designed to keep your email blasts in line with data protection laws like the GDPR.


Customizable email subscription forms

Our bulk email sender lets you create signup forms to embed on your website and share on social media.

  • Drag-and-drop builder for signup forms
  • Multi-list subscription functionality sorts contacts into different lists
  • Update profile forms and unsubscribe pages to update emailing preferences


Double opt-in confirmation

Practice permission-based email marketing with a double opt-in confirmation email upon signup. Double opt-in acts as proof of consent.

  • Send custom confirmation emails and welcome messages
  • Proof of consent record for individual subscriber profiles
  • Unsubscribe link in the footer of all emails & list-unsubscribe header


Import contacts quickly and easily

Already got a contact list or are switching from another bulk email provider? We have several easy options for importing existing contacts into your Oas36ty account.

  • Import excels, .csv or .txt files in a few simple clicks
  • Manually add new contacts
  • Synchronize contacts from another CRM or CMS with our custom integrations


What’s the difference between mass emails vs. transactional emails?

Most companies send both transactional and mass emails because they serve distinct functions:

  • Mass emails are sent according to your marketers’ schedule, either to every email address on your mailing list or to targeted segments. The message itself might be an email newsletter or promotion.
  • Transactional emails, on the other hand, are triggered by a customer action (say, a password reset or abandoned cart). Whether it’s the customer or the marketer prompting the send, the usefulness of your emailing software hinges on successful email delivery.

What key bulk email features does Oas36ty offer?

Free mass email software isn’t worth much if it can’t reliably land your message in your subscriber list’s inboxes. Plus, support staff are just as important as the actual software. Oas36ty has a powerful email software and support team ready to help you implement our services, perfect your emails, and start sending content. So what features separate the best free email senders from the so-so free plans?

At Oas36ty, we provide the following services:

  • Deliverability: If you try to push through a bunch of bulk emails at once, your mass email may land in a spam filter or bounce back. We solve this problem with dynamic algorithms adjusting to things like Google’s handling of your emails and your sender reputation. This ensures your email campaigns actually land in your customers’ inboxes. Check out our Inbox Placement service today.
  • Insights: You could send unlimited marketing emails, but if no one opens your emails, what’s the point? We offer real-time analytics and email tracking to review everything from open rates to autoresponders to conversion rates across your entire email list.
  • Email verification: Check yourself before you wreck yourself. That’s right, we provide an industry-leading email verification service to help you maintain your mailing list hygiene, reduce your email bounce rate, and protect your IP reputation.
  • Support: Oh no! You hit a bug. Don’t worry; our 24/7 support team and speedy customer service will solve your email marketing issues – stat.
  • All-in-one email deliverability app: That’s right, we also offer Oas36ty Optimize. Our suite of deliverability tools and services meet all your email needs, from email verification to send-time optimization – all in one place! Streamline your workflow and send with confidence.


Best tool to send bulk email: selection criteria  

To single out top performers among hundreds of bulk email marketing tools, we used the following criteria: 

  • Separate infrastructure for bulk and transactional emails – This is probably the most important criterion as it’s directly linked to email deliverability. If not done right, mass emails can land in spam folders and ruin your sender reputation. With a separate infrastructure, such events won’t affect the deliverability of transactional emails. 
  • Cost-effective pricing plans – Depending on the size of the business, affordability is usually an important factor. And by affordability, we mean flexible pricing plans that don’t upsell on essential features such as access to support, for example. So, what we’re looking for is the value for money. 
  • High email deliverability rates – While deliverability rates aren’t usually among publicly available data, you can easily gather that information from user reviews. A great bulk email service provider should have a stable infrastructure and be able to deliver emails to inboxes. 
  • Analysis and reporting – Analyzing performance metrics is vital to be able to nail mass email marketing. You have to constantly track open rates, click-through rates, conversions, bounce rates, and unsubscribes, find the patterns, and adjust future campaigns accordingly. 
  • Easy and smooth integration – Ideally, a bulk email provider should have an SMTP server and an Email API along with detailed documentation to streamline the integration process. Helpful tutorials, SDKs, and ready-made integrations will help in that process even more. 
  • Contact list management and segmentation – You can’t jam mass emails to all of your subscribers if you don’t want to receive hundreds of unsubscribes and spam complaints. The ability to manage your contacts right from your mass email platform is certainly a useful addition. 
  • Ease of use – A user-friendly interface is a must for any tool or platform you’re using. 


Bulk Emailing Services FAQ's

What’s a bulk email campaign?
Sending emails to 2000 people is very different from sending an email to ten friends. Bulk email campaigns involve sending a large volume of emails to individuals or businesses on your mailing list to drive clicks to your landing page.


What are the benefits of bulk email marketing?
Reach your entire audience with bulk email marketing. Introduce new products, announce company milestones, or start a personal conversation with each individual – en masse. Bulk email marketing is a great way to reach a large number of individuals simultaneously.


What’s the best time to send a bulk email?
There’s no single answer to this question. We suggest segmenting your mailing list based on geographic and demographic factors and then optimizing the send times for each segment. At Oas36ty, we provide services to help you optimize your send time and all your email needs.


How can I send bulk emails without spamming?
Quantity doesn’t equal quality. And, if your emails lack quality, they might get flagged as spam. Use ESPs like Oas36ty to help you monitor your email deliverability and make sure you dodge the spam filter and land in the inbox. When sending out your ecommerce emails, ensure you include a clear unsubscribe option for your readers.


Is sending bulk emails illegal?
In many parts of the world (including the US) it’s illegal to send unsolicited bulk email. To legally send bulk emails and respect anti-spam laws like the CAN-SPAM act, your email contacts need to be 100% opt-in. This means they’ve given explicit consent to receive emails from you via an email signup form or other subscription method. Never use purchased lists. On top of that, the email content should always match the purpose stated on the signup form and contacts must have the option to unsubscribe at any time. 


What’s the difference between bulk email and transactional email?
A bulk email is scheduled to be sent to a list of contacts at a specific time and usually contains a promotional message. Transactional emails are personalized one-to-one messages triggered by a transaction or individual user activity. These are sent in real-time over an SMTP relay or dedicated transactional email service. Examples include order confirmation emails, shipping notifications, and password resets.


How can I send bulk emails for free?
Many email service providers offer free pricing plans. You can send up to 300 emails per day on Oas36ty free plan. You don’t need a credit card to sign up and you can cancel your account at any time.


How do I create a mass email campaign?
The first step is to establish the goal of your mass email campaign: who's going to receive the email and what specific action do you want them to carry out? Once you have a clear objective, the next step is to plan and write your email copy and email subject line. Finally, design the email using Oas36ty drag-and-drop editor (or code the email from scratch with our HTML editor). Email marketing tools have plenty of other functionalities to make for more advanced campaigns. The best way to know which features your business needs is to try out different email marketing tools and see what works best for you.


When is the best time to send bulk email?
It depends on the type of business. Our studies have revealed Tuesday and Wednesday as the best days, and either 9:00 – 10:00 in the morning or around 2:00 in the afternoon as the best times. Of course, the only way to really know what works best for your audience is to experiment. 

Oas36ty Premium plan offers a Send Time Optimization functionality, which uses machine learning to send emails at the best time for each individual recipient. Well worth checking out if you’re a high volume sender with subscribers in different time zones.

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